Three incentives to start our school
From first through ninth grade, children in the Czech Republic spend ten thousand hours in school. This is a huge amount of time, and unfortunately, many children view this time as hours they must "get through." Even though most children look forward to school when they start, after a few months the majority lose their eagerness, their natural curiosity, and their joy in learning. Pretty soon all they are looking forward to are the breaks.
We are motivated by the thought that, at The Wholehearted School, children will spend these ten thousand hours in a meaningful way. Through their curiosity, they will come to understand their world. Through exposure to stories, they will develop their character. Through community, they will find their place. And as they leave the school at the end of ninth grade, they will look back and say, "These were good times."
Many teachers see the teaching profession as a lonely one. And in addition to that, there is the ever present temptation to derive your worth from how popular you are among the children or how good your pupils' grades are.
We are motivated by the thought of a teaching staff who truly enjoy working together, who accept each other just as they are, who can openly share their joys and frustrations, and who can help each other find their worth in who they are and not in how it's going in the classroom.
We also want to give the teachers plenty of space for creativity, so that they can contribute their ideas, experiences and interests to the school.
We know many parents with young children who are seeking a school where their children will be happy. They want their children to find their place in a welcoming school community. They want their children to acquire knowledge and skills in a safe environment, an environment that supports the development of their child’s gifts.
We are motivated by the thought of creating a school like this.